Valentines Day Coffee Bar
Around Christmas time this year, I decided that I wanted to spruce up my coffee bar area but was very indecisive about what I actually wanted to do with it. For those of you who have been to my house, or have followed me and my boutique for a while, knew that I used to have all of my machines and equipment set up in our dining/breakfast area. We took ALL of it down. When I stepped away from the boutique full time, it was hard to sit and look at ALL of the stuff that I just wasn’t doing anymore. When you remove two 6-needle embroidery machines, a silhouette machine, a heat press, a serger, and 2 sewing machines, it can leave a BIG void.

I almost felt like it was too empty. I liked the openness that my dining room had again, but it almost felt like it needed something. So I thought I would start looking at buffet table, china hutch type pieces. I love the look of a farmhouse/vintage looking buffet cabinet with cute decorations for the seasons. I thought about setting up a coffee station on that buffet table. It would be perfect! But due to indecisiveness, I still haven’t found a piece that I like that will work in that space.
In the meantime though, I decided to organize my current cofffee area, and add some cute decorative touches. I realized that what I was craving in that space was some fun touches to spruce up the “everyday normal”. I also craved organization. Every time we opened our coffee mug cabinet I felt a little anxious. Like, would today be the day that all of the mugs come tumbling out of the shelf? Everything was so jammed in there, it drove me crazy.
I started my organization journey with a trip to IKEA. They had some cute baskets, as well as some cabinet shelves that I wanted to use to double stack our mugs. I also found a cute hanging rod with hooks that I decided to purchase to display some of my mugs. My plan is to change them out with the season, or whenever the mood strikes. Whichever happens first, haha.

I am very pleased with how everything turned out. Organizing things makes me feel so HAPPY. Anyone with me?

I found my mugs, basket for K-Cups, and vase at Target of course.
Coffee Bar sign was a gift from my MIL, and she found it at Magnolia.
For the finishing touch, I took a trip to Trader Joe’s for some pretty flowers to accent.
I am so happy with this simple refresh of an already existing space, and this allows me the time to hunt for the perfect accent piece for my dining area.

Thanks for reading friends, and hope you leave this post feeling inspired!