sourdough bread + gut health

Today, I had the pleasure of chatting with Tiffany Phillips, the brains and heart behind Simply Tiff’s. She’s not only a talented biochemist but also the creator of an amazing line of all-natural skincare and wellness products. Tiffany’s knowledge of science and its connection to our overall well-being is nothing short of impressive. She’s been my go-to guide on my sourdough journey right from the start. In fact, I’ll never forget the day Tiff dropped off a jar of fresh starter and a bag of flour on my doorstep, rescuing me after I nearly gave up on my first sourdough attempt. Since then, she’s been a constant support, answering any questions I’ve had, and celebrating my baking wins with me.

sourdough and simply tiff's

Tiffany’s expertise in biochemistry, combined with her passion for all-natural wellness products, is a true delight. In this recap, you’ll find highlights from our chat, the video replay, and an exclusive recipe for sourdough banana bread that she graciously shared. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

the following is written by Tiffany

There are trillions of microbes residing in our gut, known as the gut microbiome, and they play a paramount role in our overall health. 🦠 Science has uncovered fascinating insights into the vital functions of this microscopic community, influencing everything from digestion to skin health to even our mental well-being. Why is it imperative to nurture a healthy gut microbiome for our well-being?

Nurturing a Healthy Gut Microbiome:

Our gut microbiome aids in nutrient absorption, breaking down complex food molecules that our bodies struggle to digest independently. Friendly microbes in the gut produce essential vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin K, crucial for energy production and blood clotting, respectively. Additionally, a balanced gut microbiome supports a robust immune system, defending against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Moreover, the gut microbiome actively communicates with our brain through the gut-brain axis, affecting our moods and mental health. Studies have linked an imbalanced gut microbiome to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Sourdough Bread and Gut Health:

Sourdough bread is a great source of vitamins B and E, as well as minerals like iron, selenium, and manganese. These vitamins and minerals, play essential roles in mental health, carrying oxygen, immune function, thyroid health, protecting against free radical damage, and production of collagen.

Consuming sourdough bread can promote or increase specific strains of beneficial bacteria. Souring the dough through the fermentation process creates an environment favorable for the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and wild yeast. These microorganisms play crucial roles in sourdough fermentation and can have various health benefits.

Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread:
  1. Fermentation: Sourdough bread is made through a lengthy fermentation process, in which naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast cultures break down the carbohydrates and proteins present in the dough. These beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, produce lactic acid, acetic acid, and other organic acids during fermentation. These organic acids create an acidic environment that supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and inhibits the growth of harmful pathogens.
  2. Prebiotic fibers: Sourdough bread often contains prebiotic fibers, which are non-digestible carbohydrates that promote the growth and activity of beneficial gut bacteria. These fibers, such as fructans and resistant starches, act as food sources for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, stimulating their growth and enhancing their diversity.
  3. Enhanced nutrient absorption: The fermentation process in sourdough bread breaks down complex carbohydrates and proteins, making them more easily digestible and absorbable by the body. This increased nutrient bioavailability allows for better absorption of essential nutrients, which promotes overall gut health.
  4. Reduction of anti-nutrients: Sourdough fermentation also reduces the levels of certain anti-nutrients found in grains, such as phytates and lectins. These anti-nutrients can interfere with nutrient absorption and may cause gut irritation. The fermentation process helps neutralize these compounds, making the nutrients in sourdough bread more accessible to the body.
  5. Reduced gluten content: While not entirely gluten-free, the fermentation process in sourdough bread helps break down gluten proteins to some extent. This may benefit individuals with gluten sensitivity or intolerance, as fermented sourdough bread can be better tolerated compared to regular bread.
The Link Between Gut Health and Skin Conditions:

Research suggests that specific gut microorganisms can play a role in the development of common skin conditions such as acne or eczema. The exact mechanisms by which they influence these conditions are still being explored, but several potential factors have been identified:

  1. Inflammation: Certain gut bacteria can affect the immune system’s response, leading to chronic low-level inflammation. Inflammation is a common characteristic of skin conditions like acne and eczema, and an imbalance in gut bacteria may exacerbate this inflammation, contributing to their development.
  2. Gut permeability: Disruption in the gut’s protective barrier, known as increased gut permeability or “leaky gut,” can allow toxins, bacteria, and other substances to escape into the bloodstream. These substances can potentially trigger an immune response that affects the skin and contributes to conditions like acne and eczema.
  3. Allergic reactions: Imbalances in gut bacteria may influence the immune system’s response to allergens. This dysregulated immune response can lead to the development or worsening of allergic skin conditions, such as eczema. Additionally, some gut bacteria produce metabolites that can affect the skin, potentially triggering inflammation or allergic reactions.
  4. Hormones: Gut microorganisms can influence the production and regulation of certain hormones, such as those involved in the metabolism of androgens (hormones that can contribute to acne development). Some studies have linked specific gut bacteria to an increased production of androgens, potentially impacting the development of acne.

As you can see, the connection between our gut health and overall well-being, including our skin, is truly remarkable. Whether you’re delving into the world of sourdough baking or exploring ways to nurture your gut microbiome, understanding these connections can pave the way to a healthier, happier you.

sourdough and gut health

how to make a sourdough starter

Starting your own sourdough starter is an exciting and rewarding journey into the world of healthy bread making. To begin, you’ll need just two simple ingredients: flour and water. Combine equal parts of flour and water in a glass jar, ensuring it’s large enough to allow for expansion. Mix until you have a thick, paste-like consistency. I generally start with 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup water (I use bottled spring water, make sure there is no chlorination in your water source as it can potentially mess with the growth).

Cover the container loosely with a wooden lid and let it sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours. This initial step captures wild yeast and beneficial bacteria from the environment. After 12-24 hours, discard half of the mixture and feed it with equal parts flour and water again. Continue this process daily, discarding half and feeding it, until you notice bubbles forming, and the mixture doubles in size within 4-7 days. Congratulations, you’ve now cultivated your own sourdough starter! It’s ready to use in a variety of delicious bread recipes. Remember to maintain it by regularly feeding and storing it in the fridge when not in use.

sourdough starter tutorial

I’ve saved some of my favorite sourdough recipes on my Pinterest board here. You can check them out to get started with your first loaf!

sourdough banana bread recipe

Tiffany’s generosity doesn’t stop at knowledge-sharing. She’s also graciously shared her exclusive sourdough banana bread recipe with us. It’s a delightful fusion of gut-friendly sourdough and the comforting sweetness of banana bread. You’ll find the full recipe and step-by-step instructions below, so you can whip up a batch of this delectable treat in your own kitchen.

Sourdough Discard Banana Bread

A delicious banana bread recipe, utilizing sourdough starter discard. Dairy free and refined sugar free.
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  • 3 medium overripe bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 80 g melted butter
  • 100 g sourdough starter discard
  • 200 g unbleached flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 100 g coconut sugar


  • Preheat oven to 350 F
  • Mash bananas
  • Beat egg and vanilla together, and add to mashed bananas.
  • Add melted butter to banana mixture
  • Add sourdough discard to banana mix.
  • Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  • Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until combined.
  • Pour mix into greased loaf tin, and bake at 350 F for 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean.
  • Cool for 30 minutes before removing from tin.
Tried this recipe?Comment below and let me know how it was!

shop my sourdough favs

I’ve linked some of my favorite tools for sourdough making below, you can click through the pictures, and also shop my Amazon storefront here.

watch the video

And lastly, you can catch the replay of our video below. Tiffany’s insights are not only educational but also incredibly inspiring, making this a must-watch for anyone interested in holistic well-being and artisanal breadmaking.

CALLING ALL LOCALS – if you’re in our area and want to kickstart your sourdough journey, feel free to send us a message. We’d be thrilled to share some of our own sourdough starter with you. It’s a small way we can spread the joy of baking and nourishing your gut health right in our community.

To stay updated with the latest from Simply Tiff’s and never miss out on more exciting conversations and recipes, be sure to follow both of us on social media. @simplytiffs @tinaschoenfeldt You can also reach out to us with any questions or ideas you’d like to share. We’d love to hear from you! Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey of discovery and growth. We can’t wait to continue this exciting conversation with you. Stay tuned for more content collabs from us in the future, where science meets wellness, and the oven’s warm embrace creates magic.

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