Vitauthority on ShopHQ

Hi friends! I have missed chatting with you! Where has the entire month of September gone? We sold our house. Moved out and into a rental. I went to Minnesota. Kids have weekly football games. What else did I miss? Life sure has been crazy around here, but I feel like the waters are starting to finally settle, and I am finding my groove again. I wanted to share ALL about my visit to present Vitauthority on ShopHQ with you! It was the most incredible experience, and one I hope to be able to experience again one day!

why ShopHQ?

A couple of months ago, Vitauthority reached out to me and shared that they were going to have the opportunity to sell their product on ShopHQ, and needed a presenter to showcase the product on the show. They asked if I would be interested, and with nerves set aside, it was a heck yes kind of answer. I sent in a series of videos to ShopHQ and Vitauthority, to make sure that I was a good fit for the job. After a few weeks of back and forth, submitting videos and information about myself, I got the news that we would be moving forward with a Sept. 8 airing. (YAY!)

why Vitauthority?

There are a lot of you who know that I work with Vitauthority in some way. (So many of you comment that you see my ads on social.) But I wanted to take a few minutes to share about the partnership that I am so grateful to have with this incredible company! My journey with Vitauthority began a little over 2 years ago as a customer. I fell in love with the collagen first, and gradually added more of their supplements to my daily regimen. I was already sharing about the products on my social channels when Vitauthority reached out about working together. And the rest as they say, is history. 🙂 You can read more of my Vitauthority blog posts here.

I’ve maintained a working relationship with them over the past 2 years, authentically sharing my experiences and reviews of the products. The company is actually looking to build their ambassador program, so if you love the products and have a passion for sharing them with your friends & family, click here to go to the ambassador application! This is not a direct sales or MLM company. As an ambassador you will be sharing about the product, and will receive a commission from any sales generated from your link.

now let’s go to ShopHQ!

Okay let’s get to the good part. Now that you know the story behind the why and the who, let’s get to the MAIN EVENT! I arrived to Minnesota Wednesday morning, and headed to the studio for a quick rehearsal. Taking in the magnitude of the building and all the moving parts to make a successful show, was so crazy to me. My host Erin was more than welcoming, and she was so amazing at leading our conversations, and making me feel not so nervous on set. I had an ear piece in one ear to listen to cues from the producers, and a couple tv screens in front of me to show what was live on TV, and what would be coming up. It’s all so detailed and amazing. I’ve had the opportunity to be on our local TV news stations twice now (you can read those posts here.) However, this production and airing was going to be my biggest to date!

After rehearsal we had some down time, I checked in to the hotel, got a workout in, went to dinner, and then headed back to the studio to sit by and watch a live show. Erin got to present a sneak peek of Vitauthority on another host’s segment, and it was so fun to see the real time orders come in as she was sharing about the product on the set.

vitauthority on shophq

day of the show

The long awaited moment was finally here! After only getting 2.5 hours of sleep the previous night to catch my early flight, once I was in my dark hotel room I just about died until the next morning. HA. I got up and got ready for the day, then headed to the studio to wait for the show.

Shop HQ had an amazing guest room set up to wait for our airing. Everyone who came by was so friendly and welcoming, it was truly such an amazing place to be. I got my mic and ear piece in, and got ready to go out for the 1 hour live airing!

I was a little nervous about the length of time that we would be *live*. One hour is a long time! However, Erin was such a great host, and the entire hour seemed to fly by. It was so much fun up there! After we were done and I got back to my phone, I had all sorts of texts and screenshots from family and friends who watched the show. I am so blessed and grateful for my amazing support system! I truly love all of you!

wrap up & head home

After the live show we chatted with a few of the producers and our host, and then it was time to head back to the airport and head home! Back to my comfy activewear, and back to Texas. I am so grateful that I got this opportunity and if asked to do it again, would go back in heartbeat! ShopHQ was such an amazing company to get to work with, and I think it goes without saying how much I love Vitauthority. Until next time! XOXO

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