how to lose belly fat

Hi y’all! It’s the LAST day of February and we’re on DAY 1 of our March challenge for Faster Way: melt your middle march! Where we are ALL about trimming down our belly fat, and leaning out our core. One of the most DANGEROUS places to store excess fat is in your belly area, and it also seems to be the one that most people struggle with. SO I wanted to take a moment to share some tips with you for how to lose belly fat, and also of course share my weekly dinner plan with you at the bottom of this post!

first things first

Let’s start things off by saying… you cannot SPOT REDUCE one specific area. Ouch. That hurts. So those workouts you search on Pinterest that promise you sculpted abs, a round booty, Carrie Underwood legs…. If you are ONLY doing those workouts and nothing else, I am sorry, but you won’t see the results that you are hoping for. That is because your body is a well oiled machine, and it needs a combination of the RIGHT things to run. You can’t expect to put fuel in your car, but leave out the oil, and expect it to run right? It goes the same way with your nutrition & exercise. You have to have both.

how to lose belly fat

but Tina I don’t know where to begin

You might have read that first paragraph and feel completely overwhelmed with where to begin. Maybe you’re like me, and have heard that abs are made in the kitchen, but you have no idea where that kitchen is. 😅 The Faster Way was the program that put it ALL together for me. I felt like I had a good grip on all of the pieces of the puzzle, but didn’t know how to put it all together. You can certainly train and do those workouts that are “targeted”, however, it’s how we FUEL our body with NUTRITION that is going to melt away that excess fat. We will lay the foundation of strong muscles from training them, however it’s up to the food and rest to actually put them to good use.

so what can I do first?

I’ve thrown a lot of info your way, and maybe you’re feeling motivated to give it a shot. Where should you start? Here are 5 things you can start doing TODAY to set you on your way to banishing your belly fat for good.

1. Get physical! – Exercise helps burn fat by reducing the body’s level of insulin
(which tells the body to hang on to fat) and causing the liver to use up fat

deposits instead.

2. Catch some Zzz’s – Sleeping 7-9 hours per night is critical to burning fat,
boosting your metabolism, and feeling your absolute best.

3. Stick to a healthy eating plan – Balanced whole foods will fuel your body,
help you burn fat, and give you plenty of natural energy.

4. Relax! – Change your mindset and your habits to optimize your body’s ability
to burn fat efficiently.

5. Sign up for the next Faster Way round with me as your coach! 🥰 I can promise you that it’s WAY easier to accomplish your goals, if you have someone showing you exactly how to do it. It is my passion and pure JOY to see women go from surviving to thriving in their daily life. For more info & to register head to this link HERE. We also have a FREE 3 day meal plan + belly fat checklist that you can download – no strings attached! Download your free guide here.

on the menu this week

We’ve got a short school week, ended in a spring break TRIP this weekend so I am leaning into our Faster Way meal guide for inspiration, with a few modifications along the way! Visit this section of my blog for more meal ideas!

how to lose belly fat meal guide

Monday: Burger in a bowl *a fam favorite! (recipe)
Tuesday: Creamy lemon chicken + veggies *a healthy twist on a family favorite! (recipe)
Wednesday: Thai Style Coconut Chicken – *inspired by a recipe on ourFaster Way guide, but I’m going to use the Kevin’s chicken pack to make it super simple! Pair with veggies and rice for a great regular macro day option! Side note – my kid’s always seem to prefer Kevin’s chicken over any that I ever cook. I’ll take it as a win that they’re eating such a healthy dish and not have my feelings hurt! Kevin, you’ve mastered chicken recipes in a way that I can only work towards. 😅 (Kevin’s products)
Thursday: Steak tenderloin, mashed sweet potatoes, & asparagus (FW meal guide)
Friday: we are going to be on the road and eating out! But my suggestion for you is to make it an easy taco night! Y’all know I love Siete tortillas & seasonings. Pair it with my Spanish rice recipe & some beans and you have a delish meal!

Have an amazing day friends, and let me be the first to wish you a happy MARCH! xoxo

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