Why Your Body Needs Carbs

Unpopular opinion. If your current nutrition program is encouraging you to cut out an entire macronutrient group (specifically CARBS), you need to run the other direction. Or if you aren’t willing to run away, at least read what I have to share with you… In this article I will be sharing with you exactly why your body NEEDS carbs to function, and how eating ALL THE CARBS will actually help you lose body fat. In the FASTer Way To Fat Loss program, it is my job to COACH my clients in these strategies, and one I am very passionate about.

Yes, I said it. You can lose body fat, and still enjoy carbs. This is not fake news.

Eating carbs in the FASTer Way is probably one of the biggest hurdles that my clients have to overcome when they join. That’s because for so long, carbs have gotten SUCH a bad reputation in the fitness and nutrition industries. If you want to lose weight? Cut carbs! If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that or seen it… Most of my clients come from a low carb background. They find me, because LOW CARB IS NOT WORKING FOR THEM. Or it worked for a time, and then they hit a plateau, or stopped what they were doing and gained it all back. Does this sound like you?


Carbs are not the enemy. Carbs are actually our body’s PREFERRED energy source. They are important for initiating our blood sugar response, which then initiates an insulin response – even just a moderate one. Insulin is considered the “master hormone” which turns on and off many other hormones (e.g., estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.). Carbohydrate-containing foods can be some of the most nutrient rich – especially colorful whole fruits and vegetables that come from the ground. Carbohydrates are found in:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • whole grains
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Trace amounts in nuts and seeds
Healthy whole food carbs
why your body needs carbs

When you give your body enough carbs, you are giving it what it needs to fuel itself. You are protecting your hormones, and allowing your body the chance to function properly. When you do NOT give your body it’s preferred energy source, your body has to turn to fat & protein for fuel. While turning to fat for fuel sounds like a good idea, it can be detrimental long term. Fat does not completely digest when it is used as an energy source. By-products called ketones are formed. Ketones are mildly acidic. They can build up in the blood and make it more acidic. Over time this may be harmful to the body. Protein’s main job is to be a building block, not an energy source. Using protein for energy can compromise the building of muscles and other cells.

IN THE FASTER WAY We get the “best of both worlds”

Your body needs ALL 3 macro groups. Period. Your body was designed to function with all 3. Cutting one or multiple groups out, is NOT healthy. Saying it again one more time for those in the back.

My FASTer Way clients participate in both “Regular Macro Days” (majority of their food is carbs), and “Low Carb Days” (lower carb count & higher fat count for the day). This balance is called Carb Cycling. It allows clients to effectively deplete glycogen (sugar) stores to initiate fat burning, but ALSO providing enough of the right fuel to support muscle building. They reap the benefits of lower AND higher carbohydrate intakes. This is what makes this program, and lifestyle shift SO dang effective. You don’t have to overly restrict yourself. Ever. You can finally quit viewing foods as “good” or “bad” and view them as what they were intended to be. FUEL FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL & COMPLEX BODY.

If you think this all sounds too good to be true, I challenge you to SIX weeks with me. Give me six weeks to teach you these strategies, and teach you all of my tips & tricks to making this program work for you. I get it. You’ve tried it all. Every program, every “diet”, every bootcamp, and “challenge”. I encourage you to try just ONE more.

oatmeal bowl for carb macros

The FASTer Way is TRULY different than any other program out there, for the following reasons.

1: You get a personal coach (yours truly)!
2. You’ll get personally tailored education on intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, and whole food. It’s my job to help tailor the program to YOUR needs.
3. We teach you how to pair your nutrition WITH your exercise routine, to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
4. We give you everything you could possibly need to succeed. Including meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, cheat sheets, and on demand 30 minute workouts with some of the best trainers in the business.
5. You won’t do it alone! You will have a small group for accountability, and me at your beck and call for any questions you may have along your journey.

I love nothing more than to see my clients succeed with this program, and find a FREEDOM that they have never had in their life. If you would like to read more on the FASTer Way, or register for my next group please visit this website.

faster way to fat loss coach

I recently shared this carb packed oatmeal recipe to my stories, and wanted to share here also.

oatmeal bowl recipe


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