2022 Word Of The Year
Hello, hello? *Taps mic* Is this thing on? I feel like it’s been so long since my last post, and I have completely missed writing to y’all! How have you been? I can’t believe we just turned the page on another year. As you may know, I’ve been sharing my word of the year with you for the past few years. I figured as we start a new year, it’s time to share my 2022 word of the year!
Previous year’s words
2018: Intentional
2019: Balance
2020: Flourish
2021: Focus
2022: _________
2021 Recap
2021 was a very good year – and definitely one that I was able to live out my word of FOCUS. I had determination to pursue some lofty goals, and did what it took to reach those goals. I reached some milestones with my business and in my fitness, and enjoyed so much quality time with my family, the ones I love the most. But if I am being 1000% honest, I feel like my world came to a screeching halt on November 8.
The last 2 months of this year have been all that I could think about. When I think about the past year, the biggest thing that my brain can fixate on is the fact that my Grandpa passed away, and my Grandma is currently in the hospital. Grief is funny that way. It has a way of creeping in and making you feel like that’s ALL that you have. I look back at photos of the past year, and see a happy smiling Tina, and part of me feels lost. I know she’s still there, but I’ve had to accept the fact that right now I am working through trauma and grief, and it’s okay to not feel 100% okay.
2022 Word Of The Year
So as I head into 2022, I’ve been obsessing over the past few days trying to zone into the word that I am carrying with me into this year. And honestly. I got nothing. I don’t have a word, and it dawned on me that for this year, it’s okay NOT TO HAVE IT FIGURED OUT. So much of my life I have spent planning, making lists, setting goals, and going after them. It’s in my personality and nature to not settle for the norm.
But perhaps the biggest lesson of 2021 is learning that it’s okay to pause. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to just be in the moment. This December I took a break from coaching new clients for the first time in 2 years. I went days without posting on Instagram. Haven’t written a blog post in 2 months. I still felt the pressures to continue to show up for my community and for my clients, but also realized that if I didn’t take a minute, I would have nothing left to give.

Choose Joy
I’m ready for a fresh start. Ready to get back to feeling like “me”. I feel that I am clumsily getting back into the groove of it all, and thank you for the patience and encouragement. I know in my heart that there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS something to be thankful and joyful for. Some days I have to dig a little deeper to find that, but ultimately I’m reminding myself that everyday.

This year I am choosing:
-To live life to the fullest with my family.
-To travel more with my kids and hubs, and embrace each day that I get with them.
-To continue helping others change their health. Seeing and feeling the heartache that comes from sickness & disease, I am more motivated than ever.
-Less phone scrolling & TV and more time reading.
-Intentional quiet time every the morning to read my Bible & pray.
We get one body, one life, one chance. We are never guaranteed a tomorrow, so I choose to make the most of today.