Smile Brilliant: CariPRO Electric Toothbrush Review + Giveaway!
I recently had the chance to work with Smile Brilliant again, and I am excited to bring you a new product review! I have previously reviewed their Custom Teeth Whitening Trays, and fell in love with them. So, I was VERY excited to try out another product from this wonderful company. Today I’ll be sharing with you a review of the CariPro Electric Toothbrush, plus giving one away to one lucky reader!

First Impressions
To start my Smile Brilliant toothbrush review, I have to comment on the packaging! The packaging from Smile Brilliant is always top notch. Included with your toothbrush base, you will also receive 2 brush heads, an induction charging base, and instruction manual. No guessing with this product! The instruction manual includes brushing tips, charging and cleaning instructions, troubleshooting guide, and an overview of the 5 brushing modes.

I have never used an electric toothbrush before, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
The charging base was very convenient to plug in, and I love that you can just set the toothbrush on it to charge. The charge lasts for 30 days, so if you have to travel away for some time, no need to worry about dragging the charger with you! After the initial charge of 24 hours, I tried out the brush for the first time. There are 5 different brushing modes, and it is very easy to switch between all 5 of them. There is a button to power on, and then a button below that to choose your mode.

So which mode should you use?
I found that to start out, I loved the SENSITIVE mode.

SENSITIVE mode is a slightly gentler mode than the “normal” CLEAN mode, and ideal if you are first starting out or have sensitive gums or teeth.
CLEAN mode is perfect for superior daily cleaning.
WHITE mode is the most powerful mode, designed to polish and vigorously deep clean your teeth.
MASSAGE mode is to be used in conjunction with one of the above listed modes, but is an ideal option for massaging gum line.
GUM CARE is for gentle cleaning along the gum line.
Important things to remember while brushing.
Use gentle brush strokes while cleaning. You do not need to add any extra pressure while brushing, as the ultrasonic pulses are doing the “extra” work for you. The toothbrush has a timer, that helps you brush the correct amount of time, 30 seconds in all 4 corners of your teeth. I found that I was brushing my teeth way less than what I should be, and love that the timer helps me stay on track. With this toothbrush, I found that it was MUCH easier to reach and clean my back molars, which tend to be a problem area for me. I am excited to see my dentist soon and let her see just how squeaky clean those back teeth are!

Thank you so much for reading my Smile Brilliant toothbrush review. I am excited to announce that Smile Brilliant is generously gifting one of my readers their very own toothbrush! I am so excited for one of you to win! The giveaway is easy to enter, just click this link, and follow instructions for giveaway! The winner will be emailed directly from Smile Brilliant. Good luck, and thank you for reading! If you can’t wait to try one for yourself, you can use the following code for 20% off your own toothbrush!
Shop here and enter code 20TINASCHOENFELDT at checkout.

Have a happy week y’all, and #SMILEFEARLESSLY!