My Faster Way To Fat Loss Review
UPDATE: 1/20/21: I fell in love with this program as a client, and continued on to become certified to coach! You can find out info on my next round here.
If you follow my social media stories, or know me in “real life” you may know that I recently started a new program called “The Faster Way To Fat Loss”. I share a lot of my workouts, recipes and meals in the “behind the scenes” area of my social world, but I haven’t had the chance to share with you out here on the blog! I wanted to take some time to share my story, and my Faster Way To Fat Loss review so far!
So first up, why? Why did I spend $199 to join a new fitness program?
“Aren’t you working out regularly already? All you eat are salads, how unhealthy could you be? What’s so different about this program?”
Those are a few of the questions I was met with when I shared with a few people close to me that I was looking into this program. I actually didn’t really set out looking for a program, it kind of found me, as cliche as that sounds.
Overall, I would call myself an active and “healthy” person.
I have done 3 rounds of Whole 30 which helped launch an entire lifestyle change, and I learned so much about how food effects your entire body. I stick to a dairy free/gluten free lifestyle, workout 3 times a week minimum, and love staying active with my family.
Still… Even with the working out regularly, and eating salads every single day (not because I was trying to diet but because I genuinely LOVE salads), I stepped on the scale a few weeks ago, and was at my heaviest weight I’ve been in a very long time. This felt defeating. I dream of abs (haha), and would love to actually see the muscle definition that I have been working hard to build. I’ve felt “stuck” at the same weight, and same body composition pretty much for the past 2 years. Something had to change.
I knew I was showing up to put in the work with my exercise, but it was time to put in the work in the kitchen. You know the saying abs are built in the kitchen?
I have heard that saying before, but felt lost on where to even begin. Even though I felt like I was eating healthy foods, I knew I was no where near consistent in the amount I was eating. I am one of those people who will get so busy doing something else, that I forget to eat. Or by the time that I am starving I will grab whatever is in front of me, whether it’s healthy and balanced, or not.
This is where the FWTFL came in. I actually found my current Coach by searching a hashtag on an Instagram rabbit trail one night. (Do you ever end up on one of those?:)) I started to see stories upon stories of women who had similar stories to mine. Women who had hit a plateau. Women who wanted a sustainable option for their fitness and nutrition, not just a fad or quick fix. I started to feel more and more like this was something that could work for me. I felt like I knew in my heart this is what was missing.
What is the FWTFL? Amanda Tress is the creator of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, a virtual intermittent fasting fitness and nutrition program. She teaches clients how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts, and positive mindset. (Source)
“As a certified nutrition coach, strength and conditioning coach, and personal trainer, Amanda spent years in the gym working with people who were doing all the “right” things—with only marginal results.” This quote from the website right here SPOKE TO ME. Yes to all!
I love that the program focuses on eating REAL whole food, nothing is truly “off limits”, AND you are even allowed a full on treat day.
I signed up on October 27, and my first round started October 28. Nothing like jumping in both feet first!
I didn’t feel fully prepared for the program *you know I am an over thinker! But for whatever reason I didn’t even care. I told myself “you’re doing this, no excuses, you can do ANYTHING for 6 weeks.” I owed it to myself to give it a shot.
When you sign up for the program you get assigned a Coach (or you have the option to choose one if you know someone). Your Coach then adds you to a Facebook group with some other people who are doing the round with you. The idea for this part is to have accountability. This is huge for me! I hate to let anyone down, and I am very goal and challenge oriented, so if you give me a task you better believe I am going to conquer it.
Along with the personal Coach, and accountability group, you have access to the FWTFL website — complete with meal plans and grocery lists for the next 6 weeks, and exercise programs for both at home workouts and gym workouts. People may argue that you could do this “on your own and for free” and I may come back and ask you, well how’s that working for you?
This program is working because of the support. The research. The resources and tools. I am very impressed with all of it. I have been utilizing the grocery lists and following the meal plans closely, and doing the workouts provided on days that I am not going to Stroller Strides. The recipes are yummy, everything is nicely organized, and Amanda is a motivating and inspiring coach on the workout videos.
I will go into some more details of program in another blog post, I’m afraid my brain is spinning with all that I want to share with y’all!
So for now, I will move on to my thoughts on the program.
I was afraid that the “fasting” part of it would feel like I was starving myself. It’s actually not that bad. You fast 16 hours and then eat in an 8 hour window. So a typical day for me starts at 11:30 for breakfast, and I am finished eating dinner by 7:30. (And you can have COFFEE in the AM! All the praise hands.) As long as it’s under 50 calories, it won’t break your fast. I have been drinking coffee with Nut Pods Peppermint Mocha very morning, and it feels a little bit like Heaven.
I am actually eating MORE on this program than I was before. Which to me feels so EMPOWERING. I know that I am fueling my body with exactly the things it needs to function, and run the best that it can.
For the longest time I have had an aversion to tracking macros, and calculating numbers in MyFitnessPal. I told myself it was too much work, and that I couldn’t do it.. Didn’t have time. I used the excuse that I just wanted to enjoy what I was eating and not stress over numbers.
You can ask some of my trainers with Fit4Mom — I have done health challenge after health challenge with them, and only send pictures of my food. I have never paid attention to the nutrients that make up those meals. Now that I have started looking at my numbers, I see that I was no where NEARLY eating enough. Also, my nutrients were NOT balanced at all. Now that I’ve been paying attention, I am seeing that I struggle to get enough protein, and pretty much live on carbs and fats.
Being aware of the nutrients in my food is huge, and actually taking the time to make meals has been even greater.
This in turn is having a ripple effect on my family. Momma’s we are the center of our house. What we do for ourselves translates out into our families. My family is getting a home cooked meal every night because I am actually grocery shopping, sticking to a plan, and preparing food for us. Empowering. Cheyenne makes breakfast and lunch with me everyday and eats exactly what I am eating. Empowering.
Making these healthy choices for myself is one thing, but knowing that I am setting an examples for my kids to hold on to the rest of their life is so SO big for me. I am so grateful.

I am 2.5 weeks in, and while you are NOT supposed to step on the scale, I just had to see. 5 pounds lost already. Overall, I am feeling stronger at workouts, and I feel energized and just plain powerful during the day, for lack of a better non-cliche word. I am loving this program, I am thankful for my coach, and thankful for the community I am getting to know along the way. I can’t wait to update you at the end of the 6 weeks.
For now, I am trusting the process, and confident that I’ve found the missing piece to my puzzle.
Updated results from 1 year of living the Faster Way. This lifestyle is truly sustainable long term, and has completely changed my life. If you are on the fence, let me help you jump off that fence, and into a brand new lifestyle with food freedom, confidence, and energy!!! Register here.