Babes Support Babes Mentality & Why We Need More Of It
I am excited and super grateful to announce that I am officially a member of the San Antonio Blogger Babes. I am friends with the chapter leader Jennifer Kipp. We spent our jr. high and high school years at the same church youth group. I have watched her on Instagram and have seen her share so many fun events and collaborations that she was doing with the SA Blogger Babes. I watched the fun for almost a whole year before finally deciding I wanted to join. Recently with my blog taking more of a front burner in my life, it fueled on my desire to surround myself with a community of women who are doing the same things that I am. Still though, I have had my fears and hesitations The constant “What if I don’t quite fit in. What if I am not a “good enough” blogger. What if I am too new at this type of stuff.”
These fears have been met with a welcoming group, who are already more than supportive and I haven’t even met anybody in person yet.

Let me share a little bit about the Blogger Babe community.
Blogger Babes is an influencer marketing and media production company. They are the “bridge” between the business and the influencer, founded by a blogger and new mom at the time named Shelby. She founded the company as a way to build an authentic community of blogger friends who would support each other in their businesses. “Collaboration OVER Competition” is a huge deal to them, and something that is so dear to my heart. As many of you know, I am a presenter for the cosmetic and skincare company Younique, whose mission is to Uplift, Validate, and Empower women. Anything lately that takes up ANY of my time has to have a strong foundation and a purpose. My purpose in this life is not for my own self, but to impact the lives of others around me. Blogger Babes fits that ticket. I am excited to jump into this community, I am excited for the exclusive event opportunities that are coming up, and collaborations with companies. I am excited to serve my community and surrounding areas the best way that I can. And I am excited to have some major fun along the way.

They have quite a few chapters ALL over the US, so if you are a blogger looking to find a community of women who are doing the same thing as you, look them up, and see if they are in your area. I am not even a month in and already feel so welcomed and encouraged.
I wrap up this post with a challenge for you. There’s enough criticism in the world. Be the difference and uplift someone instead of talk negatively. If someone is doing really well, congratulate her. If someone is struggling, offer a helping hand or ear to listen. If someone doesn’t like you, brush that OFF. YO. Shoulders. You are not going to get along with everyone you meet and that is OK. Be the good. Be the change. Be the light in the world. The world so desperately needs to see LIGHT.. All it takes is one person to say yes I will make that difference. Little by little we can take on the world.
Happy Sunday beauties!

Shirt courtesy of: Greene Girls Creations
Photos taken in my #BossBabe office space. My happy place!!