Fit4Mom Floresville LaVernia – 4 Year Anniversary

This morning I had the opportunity to attend the Anniversary Workout/Party of Fit4Mom Floresville La Vernia chapter. 4 years in business. A huge congratulations to my friend and leader Jenifer. She has created an amazing business and has touched so many lives in this area. She gives all the glory to God, and I cannot say enough amazing things about this ministry she leads.

February 20, 2017 was the first workout I ever attended, and haven’t left since. :).

My sweet baby. A week before her first birthday at our first stroller strides class.

I’ve participated in Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, and a year’s worth of Body Back Transformation classes. After I had Cheyenne I was dealing with some physical and mental struggles. I was unmotivated to do anything, I struggled to just “get going” each day, my hair was falling out, my hormones felt all over the place, I just felt OFF. I saw Jenifer frequently at school and in passing at MOPS and our church group, but never wanted to say yes to going to workout. I justified in my head that it would be too hard to drag Cheyenne out of bed every morning and as far as the workouts, “I could do the same thing at home.” But was I? No. I was not in a place that I could get myself going. So finally one day my sister in law said she was going to try it, and I told her I would go with her. I had no idea HOW much I needed it, and how much I would fall in love with the group. It’s changed my entire life and direction that I was heading. I thank God so much for him leading me into these girls lives. I have watched my baby literally grow up in this setting, looking forward to our days at the park, and her watching momma put exercise and living healthy as a priority.

My sweet girl today. So big now.

It is not always easy to get up and show up to workouts, but I NEVER regret going. More than just the physical workout, it’s the friendships, the laughs, and the support that you feel from other moms who are in the same stage of life as you. Some further along in their stages, some side by side, and some right behind.

At our party today, we sweat our behinds off for an hour workout..

Then after that Jenifer drew names for different prizes and passed out awards. I was super excited to win a bag of bath salts. I am going to be pouring a scoop full of THAT in the bath tonight. I also got an award for “Most Supportive Athlete”, I humbly and gladly accept. It is easy to show my love and support for something that I SO strongly believe in. <3

Jenifer then recognized a few other groups of members based on how many workouts they have attended. We have one amazing girl Candice who is in the 300 CLUB! THREE HUNDRED workouts!

Next up was the 200 club (which I am a member of woot woot).

Next up the 100 club!

It was so fun to sit and chat, and recognize the hard work and dedication that has built this group. I am so thankful to be a part of this amazing group of ladies.

Our beautiful and fearless leaders. Trainers, coaches, instructors, baby soothers, toddler tamers. They do it all.

If you are at home thinking you need some motivation to work out, need some time with moms who are in all stages along with you, or just plain need to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. Come join us. Try it out. I don’t think you’ll regret that you did. 🙂

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