Embracing Your Confidence

Hey y’all! I wanted to write this post yesterday, but, alas it was Monday. And there are not enough hours in the day. End of story. So let’s pretend it was yesterday for a moment, okay?
I started a BRAND NEW fitness challenge — and it’s one that is stretching me out of my comfort zone. The challenge is by Christmas Abbott – crossfit athlete/trainer/coach. If you haven’t heard of her, google her! She is pretty amazing! I have followed her on social media for a couple of years, and have wanted to jump in with a challenge but haven’t felt confident enough to try. Until today. (Or yesterday) 😀 I am jumping both feet in to a 40 Day Summer Kickstart Challenge. (It ends on the last day of the kids school year, how perfect is that?!) I am very excited to try something new, and to challenge myself even further than I have been recently.

Here are my (Day 1 Photos)! My goal for this challenge is to build muscle, and increase my endurance and flexibility. (Gotta try to keep up with my daughter and her handstands! Haha.)

I’ve come a long way in my fitness journey, but for some reason it is hard for me to talk about. Why? I am not 100% sure, but I’ll share some of my thoughts with you and be completely real with you. It is hard for me to OWN up to the things that I do, and acknowledge things that I’ve conquered. Have I lost you? Let me give you some examples.
I love to write in my blog. However, my own insecurity makes it hard for me to say “I am a blogger.”
I love to share my love of Younique with the world, and build up women’s confidence. However, my own insecurity makes it hard for me to say “I am an influencer.”
I workout 5 times a week, eat healthy, and am raising my kids to love exercise and take care of their body’s as well. However, my own insecurity makes it hard to say. “I am a fit mom.”

I feel like in today’s society it is much easier to put ourselves down, than to be kind to ourselves. We can 1000 percent own up to the #hotmess mom, the #notputtogether mom, the #tired mom, the #strugglebus mom. When a woman shares her “not put together self”, or the disastrous thing that just happened to her, we praise her for her honesty, her vulnerability, and openness. We love that she is KEEPING IT REAL. But, what about the flip side of that coin? Why is it 1000 percent harder to post the positive hashtags? The joys, the victories, the accomplishments? As with anything in life, I feel like there needs to be a healthy balance. By all means, laugh at yourself, and own up to the not perfect moments in life. But don’t sell yourself short on the good that you are bringing to the table every single day! You may be the #hotmessmom who just fed her kids cereal for dinner, but that may also mean you are the #inthemomentmom who decided to stay outside and play with them rather than cook dinner. Feel free to celebrate ALL sides of your life. <3

I challenge you today to post in the comments 5 positive things about yourself. Put aside your fears and embrace YOUR story, your confidence, your JOY. What makes you – YOU?

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