Spring in Texas: Your Ultimate Garden Prep Guide

Spring in Texas is a time of renewal and growth, and with just a month until planting season, the preparation starts now. In my latest episode of “Homegrown & Homemade,” we dive into essential spring garden prep, sharing helpful tips, insightful book recommendations, and answering your gardening questions to ensure a thriving start to your gardening journey. Whether you are a seasoned gardener, or one just starting out, I hope to share some helpful tips to have you feeling confident about starting your spring garden.

spring garden in Texas

Garden Prep Essentials

To start this episode, we start with the basics – cleaning your garden beds, enriching the soil with organic compost, and planning your planting strategy. These steps are crucial for a successful garden.

Must-Read Gardening Books

I also wanted to share some great books that will help you in your journey. I go over each of these in more detail in the video, however here are the links to grab them today. You can also shop my Amazon storefront for all my favorite gardening items. (AMAZON)

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spring garden in Texas prep

Watch the episode for a confident start to your spring gardening, here in Texas, (or wherever you are reading from!) From the easiest plants for beginners to how much to plant, we cover it all. Remember, gardening is a journey of trial and error, and sharing your bounty with friends and neighbors is part of the joy.

Thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoy this post and episode! If you are starting a spring garden in Texas, I would love to hear from you! Comment below on the post, and share where you are gardening from! For more gardening related posts, check out this section of the blog here, PLANT LOVE.

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