the fall garden
It’s FALL Y’ALL! Well almost. My daughter and I are counting down the days until the “official” start of fall, 6 days away. However, in our garden space, it’s officially planted for fall! The temps in Texas are around 95 which sounds really hot still, but when it’s been 106, it feels like a crisp day. I wanted to share what we planted in the fall garden, as well as the steps I took to prepare for planting.

the prep
The first step in planting our fall garden: clean out the current space. We had plants that had withered away from the intense summer heat, a few stray weeds, and everything just needed a good clean out. We pulled up everything, added in some fresh compost to feed the soil some nutrients, and then watered. Yes I watered dirt. My husband thought I was certifiable. But watering in the compost helps the compost do it’s thing! Wyatt and I also took the time after this step to plan out what we wanted to plant, and where everything was going to go. We went through our seed collection and pulled what we wanted, purchased a few seeds we didn’t have, and loaded up on some fresh pretty plants from our local nursery.

the planting
So we have 8 beds in our garden space and able to fit in a lot of plants. Here’s what we planted bed by bed.
BED 1: tomatoes
-cherry tomato
-sungold tomato
-celebrity tomato

BED 2: the “salad” bed
We planted the following from seed:
-salad bowl mix
-mesclun mix
-swiss chard
We also planted two kale plants.

BED 3: zucchini & cucumbers
-3 fordhook zuchinni
-3 rows of pickle bush cucumbers
*all seeds in this bed

BED 4: green beans & peppers
-3 rows of bush blue lake green beans (seeds planted)
-space left for a few jalapeño plants

BED 5: herbs + asparagus
-3 asparagus plants
-basil plant
-rosemary plant
-mint plant
and the following seeds:

BED 6: the winter favs
In this bed we planted all plants, no seeds.
-brussel sprouts
-red cabbage
-green cabbage
-collard greens
These are all cool loving plants so I planted them on a side of the garden that gets the first part of shade in the day.

BED 7: peas + root veggies
In this bed we put up a cute little trellis set and planted peas along it. Pea vines are usually about 2 feet long so the 24″ trellis is a perfect height. Around the perimeter of the bed we planted root vegetables.
-bunching onions
Peas are also sensitive to heat so this is another bed with first shade option.

BED 8: squash + cabbage
In this bed we planted all seed
-butternut squash
-bok choy cabbage

THE ARCHES: spaghetti squash
We have two arches that go across beds 1 and 5, and 4 and 8. On those arches we planted spaghetti squash. A spaghetti squash vine can grow 4-6 feet long, so an arch or large trellis is ideal to grow along. We planted seeds on each end of the trellises to grow up and meet in the middle.

the waiting
Now we water and wait! The “hardest” part is behind you, and now with some daily watering and watching, you’ll be growing your own food in no time.

shop my garden favs
I am linking some of the trellises, arches, tools, and decor that I have in our current garden below. If you have a question about something you don’t see below feel free to comment below! I’ve also linked everything on my Amazon storefront here.
Thanks for checking out our fall garden, please be sure to comment if you have any questions about anything or send me a message here. If you plant your fall garden soon, I would LOVE to see it! Tag me on social @tinaschoenfeldt on instagram & TikTok!