Meal Planning VS Meal Prep Tips
I don’t usually meal prep. But I do meal plan. And I would consider planning a form of prepping, wouldn’t you? So. maybe I do meal prep? If you haven’t given up on this post yet, continue reading for some of my best meal prep tips in the most non meal prep fashion. Plus you can always count on your Monday meal plan to be in this post as well!
When I say that I don’t like to meal prep, it’s simply the fact that I enjoy cooking each day, and would rather make my food the day of, versus cooking all at once on one day to portion out for every day of the week. For some people that works best, because they are on the go, don’t have time during the week, etc. So this post is not a “this is better than that”. I am a firm believer, and share with my clients often, that YOU need to find what works for YOU. The only thing I care about is you getting healthy food on the table. I don’t care how it gets there! Deal?
Prep Your Protein
One way to set yourself up for success in prepping/planning is to cook a batch of protein to use for 2-3 meals. Busy night? Work late? Kid activities? No problem… the bulk of your meal is ready to go if your protein is already cooked. (Stay tuned for a new protein prep guide that I will be releasing later this week!)
Plan Your Meals & Buy Your Groceries
This goes without saying. The easiest way to not be tempted to run to the drive through, is to HAVE FOOD IN YOUR HOUSE. Spending a little time once a week to plan out what you are going to have each night will be huge. Think about your family schedule. Do you have a practice one night? Opt for an easy crock pot meal. Do you have a night where the kids will be eating at church or school? Plan a smaller meal for you and your spouse. Have one night that you don’t think you’ll have any time to cook? Cook enough the night before and repurpose your leftovers! After you’ve made your list, order those groceries! Modern technology has made it easier than ever to get food to your door. Take full advantage of that blessing!
Maximize Your Time Spent In The Kitchen
One of the most helpful things I have found that I can do is working double time in the kitchen. If I am there making the mess, I might as well get the most bang for my buck in doing so! Cooking dinner and know you want to have overnight oats for breakfast the next day? Prep a couple jars while you are making dinner. Need a good lunch option for the next few days? Make extra dinner and portion out into containers for the next day or so. Making breakfast or lunch at home? Get your dinner ingredients ready to go to make the after school rush, less rushy.
Have FUN
Feeding and fueling your body doesn’t have to be the world’s worst chore. It is an honor to care for our bodies. We only have one, how are you going to treat it? Turn on some music, open the windows, involve the kiddos, meal times can be such a special and treasured tradition. I encourage you to embrace it.
On The Menu This Week
Okay so now that you have some tips and encouragement to get a plan going, how about a sample plan for the week? If you love these ideas, be sure to check out other weeks here.
Monday: buffalo zucchini boats (recipe) *this is a SUPER simple recipe that has only 4 ingredients. Make it kid friendly by omitting or decreasing the buffalo sauce on their “boats”.
Tuesday: shrimp stir fry w/ cauliflower rice (faster way meal guide) *make it family friendly by making some jasmine rice if they prefer that over cauliflower.
Wednesday: chili & corn bread *I don’t really follow a recipe on this one. We use ground venison, garlic and onion, a can of tomato sauce, some water, and then chili powder spices. I love this gluten free corn bread mix.
Thursday: chili dogs & sauerkraut (don’t @ me for eating hot dogs! hahaha) I like to buy natural turkey dogs for less fat & this is a perfect meal to use the leftover chili from the night before. Buy cold sauerkraut – and look for a “cloudy” consistency as this will be the best for gut health!
Friday: pork chops, roasted potatoes, and broccoli (faster way meal guide) this is an easy one to throw together on a Friday night! We like to grill in the backyard but you can also oven bake your pork chops. Potatoes cook up amazing in the air fryer and a green veggie rounds out the meal.
That’s it for this week y’all! How are you liking these weekly ideas and posts? I would love your feedback! Would you mind sharing thoughts/suggestions in the comments box below? Do you like the longer fb live videos or short reels/tik toks? Are you enjoying these ideas or need help in another area? I value your feedback and I will choose one person from the entries to win an Amazon gift card! (Will stay open for one week, winner chosen next Monday!) Thank you!! XOXO.

Thank you Tina for posting your meal plan with the links to the recipes!!! Super helpful