My Daily Supplement Routine
Hi friends! I want to chat about supplements. This is a big topic in the health and wellness space, and one that can be controversial. Is there a magic pill that you can take to fix your metabolism? Is there truly a shake that will melt your body fat away? I would love to answer those questions, and share my daily supplement routine with y’all today.
First, let’s clear the air with what a supplement actually IS
The definition of the word supplement is something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. Let’s read that again. Completes or enchances SOMETHING ELSE when added to it. That something else is proper whole food nutrition plus regular exercise. Nothing in this world will REPLACE a healthy foundation built on fueling your body with whole foods, and exercising to keep your body moving and strong. Period.
No magical pill, shake, or wrap. A supplement is designed to ENHANCE your lifestyle. As a Faster Way To Fat Loss Coach – it’s my job to teach you how to first create that healthy lifestyle for yourself! As we establish that foundation, I will also share my favorite foods, recipes, AND supplements that can enhance and fill in the gaps of your journey!
My Supplement Must Haves
I’ll be the first to say that I am TERRIBLE with daily regimens! I forget to take vitamins, I sometimes fall asleep with my makeup on, and if I don’t write something down, I will probably forget to do it. #iamwhoiam Still, even has forgetful as I can be, I have been able to incorporate my favorite supplements from Vitauthority, in a very easy way. I will be sharing my must haves throughout this post, and share how I incorporate them into my day to day routines.

Must have #1
COLLAGEN PEPTIDES. This one is my non-negotiable, and my very favorite supplement to take hands down. You can read more about why I take them here. As we age, and the more stress we put on our body, the greater the impact on collagen production. Getting collagen in a balanced diet can help our bodies regenerate what’s been lost or broken down. Collagen supplementation helps increase skin flexibility and hydration, which helps to smooth wrinkles and increase tone and firmness of the skin. Collagen has been studied to help reduce cellulite, too, by improving skin elasticity.
Overall, it is a great supplement for overall health and wellness. I take mine two different ways. I either like to mix up collagen powder in coffee or a smoothie during the day, or if I get busy/on the go/forget to add it, then I will take collagen CAPSULES! Super simple for traveling, and/or days when it’s 11PM and you say oh shoot, my collagen, and don’t feel like drinking a whole drink. Capsules and gummies, are also very handy for taking with you on trips!

Must have #2
A well rounded daily multi-vitamin. This is the one that I am the least structured with, but one I am learning to make a priority! A multi-vitamin is a great way to fill in those gaps that you may have missed, depending on how your nutrition intake was for the day. I have been taking the Vita Multi Women’s Multi from Vitauthority and loving it. First of all, it has kind of a fruity scent/taste, which is a pleasant change of pace from most multis. Vita Multi packs 21 body-ready vitamins and minerals plus features a potent of herbs and superfoods that support energy, metabolism, balanced hormones, and cognitive function.

Occasional Extras
Collagen and a good multi-vitamin are the top 2 things that I have to have in my DAILY routine. Now I want to share what I throw in occasionally to help keep my body functioning, healthy, and happy!
Lean Greens. This is a new supplement to try, and one I am loving so far! This supplement contains 11 all-natural superfoods, and helps with digestion support, improved immunity, less stress, reduced bloating, and enhanced energy.

Check out my GREEN smoothie recipe, incorporating the Lean Greens powder here.
Detox Nourish. Depending on the kind of week(s) I have had, there are times that you feel like you need a RESET. This drink is perfect for that. Not only does it help boost your metabolism, it also includes researched doses of key digestive enzymes, such as protease, lipase, amylase, and bromelain, that support your digestion and ability to better absorb protein, carbs, and fats. Detox Nourish puts your gut in a primed state to effectively process all the nutrients you consume, which then improves your body’s ability to utilize and efficiently burn fat as fuel.

Collagen BURN. This collagen is interchangeable with my normal collagen peptides. The BURN supplement is simply collagen peptides WITH an added bonus metabolism + cellulite support. It is available in powder form and capsules. You can read more about the Collagen Burn here.

My commitment to my health and YOUR health
That wraps up my chat this week on supplements! Has it been helpful or informative? Do you feel inspired to take charge of your health and your wellness? I hope so! If you have read this and feel overwhelmed, or like you WANT better for yourself, but don’t know where to start, I want to HELP YOU!
I cannot reiterate enough how PASSIONATE I am about helping others to get healthy, and fulfill their purpose with energy. My next new client round is starting soon, and I would love nothing more than to partner with you in a journey to better health. If you need to discuss more, and want to chat about your goals, fill out the following form here to get in touch. If you know you are ready to START NOW, head to register for your spot here! To add some (or all) of these supplements to your daily routine, shop HERE.