Faster Way To Fat Loss Before And After
This week I have been wrapping up some Faster Way coach interviews, and absolutely LOVING all of the incredible stories from current clients who are dreaming of becoming a coach. So many individuals whose life has been completely changed by this program. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear the impact the Faster Way is making. Also, this week, my own personal client sent me a picture of her progress so far. Only TWO weeks after starting this program. Two weeks seems to be the magic number for so many. When my clients start to see the results that quickly, it sure is motivating to see where they end up after the full 6 week new client round. Continue reading to see these before and after pictures, and my top 3 reasons why the Faster Way is unlike ANY other program out there on the market.

Reason #1: One flat rate for both fitness and nutrition guidance.
When you sign up for the Faster Way, you are paying for nutrition AND exercise guidance. Those two things go hand in hand. You can’t outwork a bad diet, and also, if you want maximum results, you have to work out along with eating right. They are meant to be together, so our ONE flat rate gives it ALL to you. Weekly meal plans, grocery lists, guidance & training on cutting edge nutrition strategies, plus lots of resources to make healthy eating EASY. Along with all of those resources for your nutrition, we have on demand workout options for you led by highly qualified personal trainers. All of our workouts are 30 minutes long, and we show modifications for any skill level. We teach you how to pair your workouts WITH your nutrition plan, to maximize your results. You won’t find one or the other only here. You find BOTH, and how to put those two things together, to work smarter not harder when it comes to your fitness!
Reason #2: Daily support and guidance from a qualified coach.
Y’all, that’s MEEEE!!! I seriously LOVE my job as a coach. I am able to provide for my family, while also helping other’s achieve a healthier and more fulfilled life. That is INCREDIBLE to me. My cup is filled every single day, from the women I get to help, and the community that I get to work with. I take my job seriously, and I am THERE for you every step of the way. We don’t just throw a program at you and say “good luck”! We walk with you day by day, and teach you how to make this a lifestyle. It’s my passion to make this lifestyle as easy as possible. I am constantly grocery shopping, reading and furthering my education, and looking for ways to better help you. Even if I am not your coach, ALL of our Faster Way coaches have to apply, be accepted into the program, study their course, and take an exam, before they are allowed to coach anyone. We are qualified to help, and in a space where anyone and everyone could sign up to be a coach, Faster Way chooses to only take the best of the best. You can sign up for this program with confidence that your coach IS the real deal.
Reason #3: Designed for long-term success.
Most diet programs are centered around the fact that calories in must be less than calories out. So if you cut calories — you initially may lose weight, which then means you cut more calories, until you reach a point that you are exhausted from starving yourself. That’s when you decide you can’t take it anymore and binge. Gain it all back, then start the cycle all over again. The Faster Way is in it for the long game. Our program is designed to sustain you long-term. The six week program is designed to jumpstart your success and set you up with tools that you’ll keep the rest of your life. The membership program is designed to help you KEEP your success by changing up the nutrition cycle and exercise challenges to keep you from plateauing. You won’t find the same old thing day in and day out here. You will NEVER be bored. And that also means your body can’t adapt either! The idea is to keep it guessing, working, and that metabolism burning at max potential. We are passionate about you feeling supported to succeed for the rest of your life.
Y’all in closing, I could go ON AND ON. Literally. About how much this program has changed my life, and changed the lives of those around me. I seriously feel like I have the best job in the world, and I would love for you to take a chance on yourself, and on your health. Stop believing the lies that the diet industry is feeding you. Stop accepting that “this is just the way things are” as you get older or after you have kids. You deserve to THRIVE not just survive. I am passionate about helping you, and I would love nothing more than to see you in my March 1 round! We get started Monday, I hope to see you there! Register your spot here.