FASTer Way To Fat Loss Results: VIP Ab Challenge

Hi there! Today I wanted to check in and share my FASTer Way To Fat Loss results from the latest VIP Ab Shred challenge. If you have followed me for some time, you probably already know what the FASTer Way To Fat Loss program is. But for those who are new here, I have been actively living the FASTer Way program lifestyle for 4 months now. There is truly nothing like it, and I am so incredibly passionate about sharing what I have learned with everyone I meet.

FASTer Way To Fat Loss Results

For a very detailed look into the FASTer Way, you can see some of my previous blog posts here. However, I realize I have talked about the initial “6 week boot camp” but haven’t talked much about what happens AFTER that initial round is over.

I have even had a few of you ask me “what happens after the first 6 weeks?” So the mission for today’s blog post is to help answer that question!

When you go through a round of FASTer Way To Fat Loss, you have two options when it ends. Say goodbye to the program and coach, and take the strategies and education that you’ve learned and implement them on your own.
OR you can continue on with the program in the VIP Membership. I believe this is an individual choice of course, but for me personally, VIP has been where I see an even deeper dive into the strategies and SUPPORT factor of the program. This is also where I continue to see RESULTS from the FASTer Way To Fat Loss program.

With the VIP membership you will receive…

+An even larger community for support (FASTer Way VIP facebook group). +Head trainers & coaches who can answer questions that your coach may not be able to help you with.
+Individual interview with a head trainer to go over your macros, and make sure you are on the right track for your goals.
+Monthly challenges to keep things fresh, exciting, and new for you. (All of this helps to prevent a plateau.)
+Continued support from an amazing community of certified trainers, dieticians, nutritionists, and naturopathic doctors. We truly have the BEST team in place, constantly researching and striving to take your health and wellness to the next level.

+Oh, and don’t let me forget of course, you have access to the SAME materials you have been using for the 6 week program. Including new meal plans, grocery lists, recipes, and on demand workouts EACH WEEK. You never have to be stuck doing the same workout every week or eating the same chicken and broccoli What is NOT to love?

Even though I have been certified to coach, and “know” all of the elements of the program, I still NEED that support and accountability.

In February we did an AB SHRED challenge and I was very excited to see the results that came from it. There were 12 total (5 minute) bonus workouts in addition to our normally programmed workouts for the week. I completed all of them! I lost an additional inch in all areas of my waist. An inch on the upper waist, an inch on the bellybutton line, and an inch from below belly button/hip area.

Ab shred before and after
Ab shred results

This brings my total to 14 inches OVERALL that I have lost on my body. 14 inches, and 11 pounds, in 4 months. And I still eat cupcakes! I still enjoy my coffee! You CAN eat MORE than just salads. You CAN ENJOY life, and still see amazing results. Let me say that again for the folks in the back, you do NOT have to starve yourself to feel achieve weight loss/fat loss. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I am eating MORE than I have in my entire life. It goes against everything the media, or your brain will tell you, but trust me, it works.

FASTer Way To Fat Loss review

For March we are planning on SHAKING up the macro schedule, to keep our bodies guessing, rev up thyroid function, maximize our metabolism, and to help keep us sharp in our execution of the program. (Again, all things to help in our overall WELLNESS, and to prevent that dreaded plateau.)

In April we have a DETOX planned, and continued focus on bettering our health, bodies, and overall wellness.

So all of this is why I say, VIP membership is where it’s at! There is an incredible value in our 6 week program, and we give you ALL the tools to do it on your own. But, in order to firmly establish the new habits, keep accountable, and see CONTINUED results, VIP is a GREAT option. If you are a client that went through a round and did NOT sign up for VIP, please check it out here.
If you have not yet tried the FASTer Way and feel excited by what you are reading and seeing, and want to see your OWN results, let’s go! Click here for information on my next 6 week round. I’d love to have you!

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