How To Become A FASTer Way To Fat Loss Coach
I saw an Instagram post this morning that stopped me in my tracks. “Was that me talking? This is MY story!” I related so much to the post, and it immediately got my wheels turning in my brain to share my story, again. I have shared a little bit about the journey TO FASTer Way To Fat Loss, but haven’t shared the HOW. So if you are a skimmer, the last paragraph of this post details HOW TO BECOME A FASTER WAY TO FAT LOSS COACH. But if you are a detail oriented person and want to hear my story of exactly how and why I became a coach, continue reading.

Just a little over 3 months ago, I was in a frustrated place. I had been working out regularly, eating relatively “healthy” and doing all the “right things”. Yet, I was tired, not seeing the results I had hoped in my workouts, had put on 10 pounds, despite going in circles feeling like I was doing it all right. In the past, when I needed to “get in shape” I would look to exercise for the answer. If I want to lose 5 pounds, I just need to start running again. If I need to strengthen my arms, I need to do more arm workouts.
Want Carrie Underwood legs? Well I can try to do 23497 squats & lunges…
It never fully occurred to me, and I quite honestly avoided the thought that I needed to change my EATING. “I eat salads! I forget to eat all day! I KNOW I don’t over indulge. What I am putting in, is less than what I am burning out. I am in calorie reduction. I am good.”
For so many years I was stuck in that same cycle. My weight and fitness goals went up and down, getting really in shape for the “swimsuit” season, then slowly fading away from the intense exercises, to find I was back to where I started. Or worse.
Frustrated. Knowing I needed something different. I KNEW in the back of my head that “abs are made in the kitchen”, but I still rebelled against it. I would try to look on Pinterest “how to calculate macros” and become severely overwhelmed. I would look up “nutrition plan for fat loss” and equally felt overwhelmed.
I am not someone who can figure it out on my own, I needed someone to TELL me what to do. I needed someone to TELL me HOW TO DO IT.
So this is when I came across FASTer Way To Fat Loss. Everything about the program lined up with what felt important to me.
-It was all virtual. (This momma needs something I can fit in ANYWHERE!)
-The nutrition was based on WHOLE foods. No shakes, pills, or supplements to buy.
-No extreme deficits in any category, in fact Saturdays were TREAT days. You can have your cake or donut, and EAT them too.
-The program promised to TEACH you how to track macros, carb cycle, intermittent fast, and promised to show you the science behind it all.
Almost sounded too good to be true. Could it literally be everything I needed?
I read the website over and over. I searched the hashtags on Instagram and read story after success story. I started searching hashtags for FWTFL coaches. I was curious about how they became coaches. I found the section on their website that detailed the “coaching event”. I immediately said to myself, ”if this thing works like I think it can, I could TOTALLY see myself becoming a coach! I could help others who are struggling just like me.”
I surprised myself by how quickly I made that decision in my head. I even told myself to simmer down.
But what I see now looking back was the Lord putting a desire in my heart to help women reach their goals, and overcome the same struggles I was having. I didn’t know if the program would work as well as it seemed, but I knew if I loved it I couldn’t possibly keep it to myself.
I DID sign up for that first round as a client, and fell in love with it immediately. I DID get accepted into the coaching certification program 3 weeks into that first round. And I DID get certified to coach before my first round even ended. It all happened so quick, and there was a lot of praying and asking God to open or shut doors.
He threw the doors wide open, and I’m so grateful. I LOVE what I get to do, and pray to always bring glory to Him.

So if you have made it this far in the post, you are probably thinking “TINA, I CAME HERE TO LEARN HOW TO BECOME A COACH. Why did you just tell me your life story?” A couple of reasons.
I felt that it was so important to share my own WHY. I want to be 100% transparent with you in WHY I DO WHAT I DO.
I also feel the need to share this in case you are feeling the same things.
Do you have a desire to change your current circumstances? Are you passionate about health & fitness and looking for a way to share that with others? Are you feeling STUCK in your own fitness/health routine and want out? I can help you through ALL of those things.
So here’s the how.
Step 1:
Register for a FASTer Way To Fat Loss round as a client. You have to be enrolled in a round, or have gone through a previous round before being considered for coaching. (Sign up for my next round HERE)
Step 2:
Sign up for the Coach Information Event.
Step 3:
Attend the virtual coach event training for more information and to request an INTERVIEW!
Step 4:
After your interview, you should hear within a week if you are accepted. If you are accepted after your interview, CONGRATULATIONS! You now have the chance to invest in your certification course & complete the steps to be certified to Coach your own rounds.

All of this happened SO quickly for me, but it has changed my life for the better ALREADY, and I can’t wait to see where this year goes!
If you are ready to jump in with me, I am here to help EVERY step of the way. I am so passionate about this program, and the lives that it has changed and I can’t keep quiet.
I am SO ready. Are YOU?