next round begins in:
reach your goals
the FASTer Way
Many people struggle to navigate the complicated world of nutrition and fitness, causing them to never successfully lose weight and accomplish their goals. At FASTer Way To Fat Loss, we provide weekly meal plans, effective 30-minute workouts, and 1-on-1 coaching tailored to your goals and needs, so you can achieve your results faster and without all the stress and confusion.
does this sound familiar?
you’re experiencing this because...
01. most “diets” are designed to see you fail
You restrict the calories, you see results, but then you can’t keep up the lifestyle, so you swing the other way. Binge, and then gain it all right back. Thus, the cycle starts over, and you have to start the diet all over again.
02. you’re likely under-eating & over-exercising
It’s true. All those hours in the gym, combined with cutting out most of your calories, will cause your body to hold ON to fat, rather than get rid of it.
03. you’re not allowing your body to rest
Rest is a part of the process! If you are constantly stressed about dieting, exercising 6-7 days a week, or even eating at all hours of the day, your body never truly has time to heal. It can’t possibly function the way you want it to, if you are not properly caring for it.
you could ditch the diet for good and…
let me introduce…

the faster way to fat loss
The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a virtual fitness and nutrition company, teaching clients how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts, and positive mindset.
who the faster way is for

hey, friend!
mama, I’ve been exactly where you are. The FASTer Way changed my life in 2019, and I have been following the program ever since. I’m passionate about my job as a coach, and promise to do everything I can to help you succeed.
the program includes
weekly meal plans
Regular and vegan meal plan options are available each week, with ingredient lists, and preparation instructions to help you reach your goals FASTer.
daily 30 minute workouts
Effective 30 minute workouts that you can join with the entire FASTer Way community. Low impact, at-home, and gym options available each day.
community & support
Accountability and support from an active and like minded community along with one-on-one support from ME, your certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach.
how to fuel your body effectively to maintain optimal energy levels throughout the day.
you don’t have to figure it out alone!
the results are in…
my client jessica says…
“I loved the program as it helped me be accountable to myself in a way I haven’t been in a long time. The meals were delicious and took out so much of the guess work about what to make. It also made me very intentional about what I ate and ensuring my body had a good balance of carbs, proteins and healthy fats.
I also still enjoyed plenty of desserts and wine lol, but strived to eat clean 80% of the time. “
frequently asked questions