Faster Way Coach Certification: My Personal Story
A few times a year, the Faster Way Coach Certification info event takes place for those who are interested in applying to become a coach. During this one day virtual event we get to hear from our CEO Amanda Tress, and multiple members of the Faster Way team. We also get to hear from different coaches throughout the day, who share their stories, and experiences as a Faster Way coach.
On February 22 we will be hosting our next coaching event. And, I have been asked to share about MY experience as a coach! Y’all I am SO excited, but also a little nervous! I have had so many of you share with me that I seem so comfortable on camera. But the thought of speaking directly to so many different people, still overwhelms me at times! I am such an introvert in an extrovert’s job. Haha. I figured I would collect some of my thoughts together here while preparing for the big day!
Let me introduce myself
Most of you have been around here for quite some time, but for those of you who are new, let me introduce myself! My name is Tina, I am a wife, mama, writer, and creative at heart. I love Jesus and would not be where I am without His direction in my life. My family and I live in a small town outside San Antonio, TX. I’ve been married to my best friend for almost 13 years, and we have 3 beautiful children together. I enjoy nothing more than being at home in my backyard with my family. I also love strolling through Target, the color pink, cozy blankets, and an outdoor Texas concert. When I became a Faster Way coach, I was at a very unique pivot in my life, and was certainly not looking for another full time job.
Boy was I surprised
For 6 years of my life, from 2013-2019, I built a sewing and embroidery boutique from the ground up and ran that business straight from my kitchen in my home. I loved that I was able to provide for my family while never leaving home. For the last year of that business though, I started feeling a tug that I was supposed to be moving on into a different direction in my life. I was actively growing the blog you are visiting here today, and creating new relationships marketing for different businesses and companies in the area. The idea that I could work from my computer virtually anywhere, and dedicate more time and flexibility to my family called to me. I walked away from the boutique in August of 2019.
I knew I had made the right decision but something still felt off
The decision was almost immediately liberating. I was loving my new found freedom with my time and my family, I loved the products I was promoting, I was working with a direct sales company with makeup & loved helping women feel beautiful and confident. But something deep down inside made me feel like I could be doing more. I was trying to figure out what my goals were. What my purpose was?
You know the saying jack of all trades, master of none? My blog felt kind of like an everything goes type thing. One day, I had the opportunity to feature some children’s products on a local news station, and had the anchor ask me “so what is it exactly that you do?” My answer came out unsure, and I stumbled over my words because I wasn’t really sure at the moment. I came home from there telling my husband I felt lost. What was I really doing? What was I truly trying to accomplish?
I signed up for Faster Way desperate for a change in my health
Fast forward to the end of October 2019, and that’s when I stumbled across the Faster Way. I was frustrated with my body, burnt out on working out so much, and weighing more than I had in my entire life. The weight had crept up and what was previously “working” for me wasn’t anymore. I knew that working out was only minimally changing things and that I needed to face my nutrition habits.
I found Faster Way through a hashtag on Instagram. I started seeing coaches all sharing their successes, tips, and tricks. A quick thought went through my head, “I wonder what they had to do to become a coach?” I researched it a little, and found that after going through a round of Faster Way, you could apply to become a coach. I thought to myself, “if this truly works like it looks like it does, I could see myself blogging and sharing about this! Heck I could become a coach! “
I surprised myself by how quickly I made that decision in my head. I then rationalized to myself that that was just crazy talk, and to simmer down. Haha. I told myself to just try the program first, before jumping into anything crazy. Looking back, I can see that the Lord was putting that desire in my heart before I even realized it.
I applied to become a coach
A week into the program, I was completely in love. I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself. My coach mentioned that they would be opening up interviews for coaching slots soon, and while it was still early in our own round, if we were interested we should check it out. I signed up to get info on the next coach event, not realizing how quickly it would be coming up.
At the start of week 3 of my own new client round, the Faster Way Coach certification interviews opened. I thought to myself…”What! I know I love this program, but this is all happening so quickly! Is this really the path that I want to chase?” I was so scared about the unknown, but took the interview. Once the interview was over, I was still feeling butterflies in my stomach. “Could I actually do this? Lord is this a door you are opening for me? If it is not meant to be, please shut that door.” I guess I almost hoped they would send me a “I’m sorry” email, but instead the exact opposite.
I started coaching and found immediate success
Y’all that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I was not 100% confident when I started coaching. Afraid of what people would think. I had just made this major life change and walked away from one job, just to pick another up? She’s been talking makeup and Target hauls, and outfit inspirations for the past year, now she wants to tell me what to eat and how to work out?
I didn’t feel qualified or courageous in sharing the Faster Way. And because my business didn’t “take off” like I thought it would, I started to feel doubt and fear. What did I get myself into? Why did I think I could be successful with this? Do you see a common theme with all those feelings I just listed? I was looking inwardly. Focused on how this impacted ME, when I needed to be focusing on impacting and helping OTHERS.
I decided to get out of my own way, and just started sharing my life.
As I shared how I was living the lifestyle, it started to bring in clients. I went from having 2 clients in my first 3 months of business to MORE than I ever thought possible that first year of coaching. As those clients came to me month after month, I read and listened to their struggles, and their stories. I got to celebrate their successes and wins with them.
I started to see just how BIG and just how amazing of an impact this program was making, and I was merely a tool to share it. It was humbling and empowering all at the same time. My blog naturally shifted to all things health and wellness. I had a place to create content, recipes, and tips/tricks for my clients. My brand partnerships shifted over time, to products that could be used during the Faster Way journey and lifestyle. I FOUND my purpose. I FOUND my passion.
And it’s not about me at all
This job and my mission is not about me at all. Yes I am goal oriented. Yes I want to succeed at what I do. But the moment that I allowed myself to step back, and my clients needs to move forward, THAT is when I truly found what I am doing here. I think about some of my current clients who have been there with me almost from the beginning. I think to myself, what if I had said no? What if I was too afraid to speak up? Life is full of decisions and this decision has been one of the best ones I could have ever made. So incredibly grateful.
I am so excited to share this story with new potential coaches. And I am hoping to leave you with some encouragement also. It’s okay to change directions. Okay to chase after a dream even if it’s completely unlike anything you’ve tried before. It’s okay to feel unqualified at first. Keep pushing forward. Go after that small tug in your heart. Allow God to open those doors and surprise you to what’s on the other side of them.
If you would like more info about becoming a client of mine you can visit this page here.
If you are crazy like me and think you want to become a coach, haha, let’s chat! We’ll talk about first steps and in the meantime, you can visit our coach info event here! I’ll see you there on the 22nd!