Life During A Pandemic
I hate writing out that title. Just throwing some honesty your way. I normally try to keep things bright + positive on this feed, because who wants to read the ugly stuff all of the time? I know I don’t. But I’ve had this topic stirring in my heart for weeks now, and honestly, when that happens, I have to get it out on the pages. I know that when it stirs for that long, I am 100% meant to share it. Even if just one person who leaves here feeling encouraged, not alone, and relieved in some way, then it is worth it. Life during a pandemic…
A Change Of Plans
If I could sum up 2020 in 3 words, those words would be it. C H A N G E O F P L A N S. Nothing has gone the way we thought it would this year. Literally nothing. I was planning this week’s blog post, and thought I would be sharing some updates from our Colorado trip, but this heavy topic kept weighing on my heart. It’s a struggle I feel constantly, and maybe you feel it too.
How Do You Go Through Life Like Normal When So Many Are Struggling?
As a blogger, writer, and creator, I sometimes struggle with the fact that I will continue to share the postitive things on my feeds, even when so much is going wrong in the world. And I realize that to a few of you, you may never understand why I do what I do, but for those who want to understand, hear me out.
Businesses are struggling… And they still need individuals to market for them.
Businesses are struggling… And they need you to show up and shop with them.
That mama is within an inch of her sanity… She needs 30 minutes to herself to scroll and laugh at some creative reels.
That woman is struggling with her health… She needs an exercise program that she can do at home.
That mama has littles to shop for on a budget… She needs a gift guide with the latest deals.
That woman finds confidence in new makeup & hair products… She needs you to show her how to use them.
That mama needs to cook dinner for her family… She needs easy to follow recipes.
The world needs who you were created to be
Pandemic or not, the world needs you to continue to show up. Whatever your purpose may be. And also know, that there are no “sides”. There are not those that are exclusively struggling, and there are not those that are exclusively flying through life care free. We ALL have sh** we are dealing with, we are ALL feeling the effects of this pandemic.
This particular topic hit home to me when a friend messaged me and said, I love that you are just living life, I kind of forgot what it feels like over here. We are still so shut down, and not able to do things, I love that you get to travel, go to church and school, and enjoy your life.
I immediately felt some sort of guilt over things being “good”. But I also had to bring to light that she is SEEING all of the good, because that’s what I put out there.
Yes I have SO much to be grateful for right now, and I don’t want to take ANY of it for granted. But y’all there is plenty messed up in my little world here, I just don’t choose to put it out there all of the time.
In an effort to remind you that we are all struggling humans, let me share about my week leading up to leaving for Colorado.
I struggle with anxiety when we go anywhere. The to do list is always a mile long, and I always wonder if I am going to be able to get it all done.
I discovered my son’s tooth is going grey (he previously fell on his face and while the teeth looked okay via x-ray, it’s looking like it may not be okay after all. A permanent one also mind you.)
We had 3 kids in my oldest’s school test positive — and felt the stress of figuring out whether or not she was in contact with them or not. We also have some that are very close to us who are fighting the virus right now.
I got news that my horse & lifelong companion of 22 years may be nearing the end of his days.
One of my closest friend’s is struggling with a sick parent.
I am constantly sad over the fact that I can’t see my grandparents as carefree anymore, without worrying about whether or not we will share a sickness with them that they cannot fight.
I watch old movies where people are running around mask free, going to football games, and close in each other’s faces and wonder if that’s a life we will ever see again. LIFE RIGHT NOW IS HARD.
We are all just doing what we can to make it.
Nobody is immune to the stress or heaviness this world is throwing at us this year. How we respond to it, and how we choose to learn and grow from it is all on us though. I feel all of the same feelings you are feeling I assure you. But I am trying my best to make the most of it, and trust that God has not forgotten us and He will continue to protect us. I encourage you today to do the same. Colorado recap will be coming up in next week’s post.

Much love…