Faster Way Conference Thoughts
Hi friends! If you follow me on social, you know that last weekend I participated in my first ever FASTer Way To Fat Loss conference, (virtually, thanks COVID) but my first conference none the less! I wanted to share some of my takeaways, and my thoughts on the conference! I also want to take this moment to share exactly how I am feeling about the Faster Way program, ONE YEAR into this lifestyle.
Our conference started off with this video clip.
I’m not crying, you’re crying. If this doesn’t wrap up exactly what our company mission is about, I don’t know what is. The FASTer Way’s NOT just a fat loss program. The FASTer Way is out to truly change the health of the world, one individual at a time. I couldn’t be more grateful to be in this community.
We had a jam packed first day of sessions with Amy Porterfield, Kareen Turner, and Katy Widwrick. We also got to “break out” into small groups on zoom, where we had the chance to connect with other coaches. Day two included sessions with Jasmine Star, Colin Boyd, and AJ Vayden.

We received so much good information, I think my head is finally starting to stop spinning at almost a week later.
Along with the info to better our businesses, we continued to get to see the HEART of the Faster Way, and the behind the scenes action of our dream team. Participating in this conference and hearing how wonderful our leadership is, confirms to me that I am EXACTLY where I need to be.
I was surprised to see my video “The Faster Way Matters To Me” featured during our live stream. My friend’s texted me and said omg! Did you know you would be on there! I was like nooo!!! But it was so fun to see. It was also so great to see some of the other coaches testimonies, and what the Faster Way has meant to them. We come from all kinds of walks and backgrounds, and there is truly a place for EVERYONE here in this community.
The Faster Way Matters To Me Because…
It gave me the missing piece to the puzzle of putting together a healthy lifestyle. I come from a background of VERY health conscious parents, and KNOW KNOW KNOW the effects that food has on your body. My dad jokes that I am “finally listening to someone”. And it’s true. We can be taught something our whole life, but until we figure out how to make it work for ourselves, it won’t last.
I spent most of my college years, and early adult life, trying to out work a bad diet. Anytime I needed something to change with my body, I would cut out the sweets, cut out the sugar for a while, run more, and workout more. That worked until one day it didn’t. I was sick and tired of the on again off again cycle, and burned out on working out for 2 hours a day 6 days a week. Desperate to find a better solution, I stumbled on the Faster Way program. I was blown away by what I found. 30 minute workouts. More food than I could ever imagine being “allowed” to eat. All the carbs. And knowing exactly how to incorporate treats into the lifestyle without derailing progress. #unreal. 2 weeks in to my round as a client, I KNEW that I couldn’t keep this to myself. I became certified to coach within a few weeks, and here we are. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else! Amanda closed our sessions with another incredibly moving video.
You can watch that video here.
THIS. RIGHT. HERE. This is why I continue to share about this program. This is why I am so passionate about coaching. YOU DESERVE TO FEEL BETTER! Your family deserves a happier & healthier mom. You deserve a better solution, and to live life to the fullest. I am here to help you get there!
My next group of clients will be beginning their journey on January 4, and I CANNOT wait to get started with them. Spaces WILL fill up, so get your registration in early. If you have questions for me, or would like to hop on a call to discuss your goals and whether this program is a good fit for you, feel free to shoot me an email or DM on Insta! @tinaschoenfeldt