Essential Oil Blends For Homeschooling
Chances are you are reading this, and starting up another week of homeschooling, AKA distance learning with your kids. Maybe you need some emotional support in this department, or would like to help create a space that is helpful for learning with your kids. Essential oils have been a vital resource in our home for many years, and especially now that we are all home together more often. I have put together some essential oil blends for homeschooling that I would love to share with you!

The kids and I created a video that you can watch at the bottom of this post, however I wanted to share the products we used, with links to purchase them if you want to create your own personal rollers and diffuser blends! (Please note some of these may be affiliate links, which means I do receive a small commission from your purchase, at no additional cost to you.)
Before You Get Started
You will need the following ingredients to create your own rollers:
Roller Bottles
Essential Oils (I use Young Living and you can sign up for your own wholesale account here.)
Coconut Oil
The recipe is very simple. Combine 2 drops of each oil into the roller bottle, and then top with carrier oil. Shake well and label.

The Recipe
Please note that these are not medical claims, and essential oils should be used at your own discretion. I can only share my experiences and what these oils are known to benefit.
Lavender – soft, comforting, and relaxing. The “grandmother” of oils!
Ylang Ylang – known for stabilizing mood benefits plus hormonal support.
Vetiver – Earthy and grounding, helps to focus and stay calm.
Geneyus – This blend is already pre-diluted and helps promote brain power, focus, and concentration.
Bergmaot – emotionally grounding, and provides emotional support.
Cedarwood – works with the brain to create new healthy ways to function, grounding, and calming.
If you are brand new to using a roller of oils, I suggest applying to the bottom of your feet, as your skin is thick there, and least likely to be irritated by something new. As you see fit, you can also roll down the spine, on the inner wrists, and behind the ears. Every morning before we begin our school work, I roll the kids (or they roll themselves). And we put some oils in the diffuser. I love the combo of Bergamot, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang diffusing together, and it makes the entire room feel cozy and relaxing. The diffusers from Young Living are amazing, but I have also found some really cute ones from Target! I shared my essential oil station below, and you can shop all of those products pictured here.
My hope today, is that this brings some calm and joy to your home in the midst of this chaos right now. These essential oil blends for homeschooling have been SO helpful for our mood, and I hope they can help you too! If you would like to see how we put the rollers together you can watch below!
Happy Monday friends!