The Cluttered Front Seat
This morning my daughter had a minor dental surgery to repair a couple of significant cavities on her front teeth.

Due to her age, she required general anesthesia, so that meant no food or drinks after midnight, and we got up and going in the morning to her appointment. I was driving with her, and my husband following us, in his own car, so that he could drive to work after the surgery. Right before we left, I glanced over at my front seat and paused. I was checking to make sure I had everything, when a wave of emotion hit my brain.
This is where the writer in me comes out.
When I see something, and start to let it turn in my brain for a bit, I start to think how I can put those thoughts into words. Some of my best and most authentic blog entries have been from moments like this. In this particular instance, this story has been brewing in my head all day, and I am just now settling down after a hot lavender bubble bath, to share my heart. So if your front seat looks anything like mine, you may relate to what I am about to write. Enjoy.

This front seat packed full of stuff may look like a mess to you. It may even aggravate someone who wants to ride with me. Unless that passenger is another mom, in which case she will usually say “it’s no big deal”, and move it aside. Because, chances are, her front seat looks exactly the same.
From the outside this pile of stuff is just that. Stuff.
But to us, it represents a season, a stage, and a job.
In this pile you will find:
A jacket – because you never know if it will be cold. Either you will be cold, or one of your kids will be cold, which will allow you to share the jacket. Because mom’s always have a jacket on hand.
IPad – because we may need to entertain an impatient toddler
Lunch Box – with snacks, a juice box, and some of her favorite toys. Because again, you never know when boredom or impatience will strike.
Snacks – because when all else fails, feed them.
Blanket – because it goes everywhere. No elaborate caption for that one. She is Linus from Charlie Brown.
My own makeup bag – because I am going to finish applying my mascara in the parking lot once we get there.
Water bottle – because someone is ALWAYS thirsty.
Extra water bottle – see above.
Change of clothes – because toddlers.
Plastic bag – in case she is nauseated on the ride home. (Also that thought prompted the change of clothes.)
This front seat is more than a collection of items. It is a badge of honor that you should be proud of. In this stage of life, YOU are their everything. They depend on you to take them everywhere, and bring all of their things. And I know, it is EXHAUSTING. I have children in two stages of life. One stage is DOING all the things, and spending all the time in the car. Then one stage is the BRINGING all the things to entertain said child at the other children’s previously mentioned activities. WHEW.
On the go. Never stopping. Load & unload. Pile & unpile. I see you. I have heard you. I know you, and I am right there with you momma. One day, a teenager will sit in that front seat, and their friends in the back seats. One day they’ll be driving their own car and that seat, and your car will be empty. Suddenly your arms will be a little less loaded down. And maybe you will celebrate that day, I probably will too. But I know deep down there WILL be a part of you that misses them. You may not miss their piles, but you will miss what those piles represent.
And before you go and look at my list and picture of my pile and think, “man she was really prepared! She had all the things.” (Which is how I sort of felt about myself this morning.) I was quickly humbled by the fact that I opened the back car door at the surgery center to see my kid in socks.
Yep. Socks.
I packed a barf bag, but I managed to forget her shoes. A basic BASIC thing.
It’s fine. She was fine. We didn’t end up needing the barf bag, and she never needed her shoes.
I hope you leave this post feeling encouraged momma, and know that you are not alone out there. If your front seat looks like mine, I would love to see a pic of it. Snap a picture and tag me in your stories or on IG/FB! Happy Friday babes, and have a wonderful weekend!!