A Morning Person In Training
Just the other day I was telling my SIL I wish I was the type of person who was motivated to get up before the kids, and get things done. Whether it be reading my Bible, knocking out my workout, doing a few chores… I’ve always admired those who can get up and going so easily, but I don’t think I was born with that morning person gene though. Having school aged kids has sort of made me HAVE to be somewhat of a morning person, and I really do love the feeling that you can get a lot of stuff done, and then look up at the clock and it’s only 10 AM.
That feeling that you have the whole rest of the day to enjoy is nice.
This weekend Taylor surprised me with a conversation, and almost wondered if she was reading my mind somehow. She came up to me and said “mom, I want to try and get up earlier during the week, so that I can do my cheer stretches, exercise, and have time to do my Bible study reading.” I said, girl, SAME! (Because you know, I am a mom that is current on their lingo. *insert sarcastic nervous laugh.*) I told her, in all honesty, I have been wanting to wake up early to do my workouts and read my Bible. We can do it together! She said REALLY? Almost like she was shocked, and I don’t blame her. We are both self proclaimed night owls, on a journey to “morning person in training.”
We got up this morning at 5:45, just one hour earlier than we normally do.
(Any true morning people who may be laughing at my standard of “early”, but whatever, time is relative!) I wanted to hit the snooze button 100 times, like I normally would. But I knew she was counting on me to get up with her. I woke her up, and later she told me, it was hard for her when the alarm went off as well. There’s something about both of us being in it together that was refreshing.

I turned on my FASTer Way workout video, and did my workout, she joined in with me, and also did her stretching for cheer.

Both of us are starting up a Bible Study, so in these next coming weeks we will be taking some time to read and do our studies. Although we are both in different stages of life, as it should be, there is something about this intentional time with my sweet girl, that I am so incredibly grateful for. She is holding me accountable without even realizing it. I know that all 3 of my kids are watching John and I daily. They see our routines, they see what we prioritize, they see how we treat each other, they watch us in our relationship with the Lord, with our health & fitness choices, how we handle relationships with our family and our friends. Knowing that we are setting the standards for them, drives up my motivation to set those standards high. I pray daily to God for strength to show His grace and truths to them. I cannot do it on my own strength. My own strength would stay in my bed this morning and stay under the covers a little bit longer. Knowing I have a precious daughter, asking for extra time to work towards her goals, and wanting some extra time with her momma, has ME asking the Lord for help in waking up early these next few weeks.
Who knows, we may love it, and this may be a whole new season for us?
Here’s to a fresh week, and a fresh start! Happy Monday!