How Powerful Is Your Influence?
A couple of weeks ago it started stirring in my heart that I wanted to join one of our women’s Bible studies at church. It’s been a little over a year since I’ve participated in a structured study at our church. And if I’m being 100% honest, I had convinced myself this morning that I was really comfortable in my sweatpants and sweatshirt, Cheyenne was still asleep, and my house was warm and cozy. It’s hard for me to get out of the house sometimes. My personality LIKES to be alone in my house. But the prompting the Lord put on my heart won me over, and I ultimately went to our Bible study kick off breakfast this morning.
Y’all already know the end of this story, don’t you?
God is good (ALL THE TIME) and I am so excited to start this semester with some very special ladies.
I was exactly where I needed to be this morning, and the words from our leaders were the exact words I needed to hear.
One of our pastors of the church spoke to us briefly while we enjoyed some breakfast. He spoke on a topic that really struck a chord with me. He said women are the influencers. (Of course when you have a job as a blogger & social media INFLUENCER, it’s going to catch my attention.) I have paid attention to that word when it comes to my work. We have an influence. We have an impact. We provide value, and a bridge between a brand and our audience. However, I have never thought specifically to pair the word Infuencer with my walk with Christ. Yes the Lord is at the center of my heart and world. I try as often as I can to share His goodness with you all, and give glory only to Him for everything in my life. Everything good in me, is because of our Lord. Still, Claude revealed a brand new perspective today when he brought up this word.
Spoiler alert, YOU are an influencer. We all are.
Claude went on to share how we are influencing the entire world around us. Our relationship with the Lord is not just ours. Our relationship with the Lord, and the closer we draw to Him, affects our “circle of influence”. If you are wanting to quit reading here, thinking I am not an “influencer”. Let me share with you where your influence lands. We influence our spouses. We influence our children. We influence our friends, family, coworkers. Women, we were designed to live in community with one another. Share in each other’s burdens and struggles. Share in the celebrations. And most importantly we are designed to study God’s word together. Gather together in worship and in fellowship. This is so vital in shaping how our influence will affect others. How important is it for you to first fill your own cup, before you can pour into others?
I left there knowing I was in exactly the right place at the right time. I left with a sense of renewed hope for the weeks that are to come with my study, but also with a feeling of responsibility.
My relationship with the Lord directly impacts my husband. It impacts my three children, and it leaves a legacy for THEIR children one day. It impacts my family & friends, it impacts you.
When I look at that responsibility, it is humbling. I will fail a million and one times, but in Christ, I am enough, and in drawing closer to Him in the study of his word, I pray HIS goodness will shine through. I am so grateful for our church, grateful for our pastors, and for the beautiful women who are leading small groups.

I personally chose the study by Lysa Terkeurst {Trustworthy} and I am so excited to share with y’all what I learn from the study. I’m sure it will make it’s way to the blog here (#bloggersgonnablog) but I also plan to share to my stories on Instagram. You can check out the highlight {BIBLE STUDY} on my Instagram profile.

Please share in the comments or on social media your immediate thoughts on your #circleofinfluence.
How powerful of an influence did you feel you had before you started reading this post? How do you feel now?
Answer and tag me! I love to hear from ALL of you. Hope y’all are having a wonderful Wednesday!