My FASTer Way To Fat Loss Results
Monday, December 16, will be the start of a new journey for me. I have shared a little in my previous posts about first going through the FASTer Way To Fat Loss program as a client, and then loving the program so much that I applied to become a coach. I have officially been certified, and my first round starts MONDAY! I cannot wait!! If you are reading this and this date has passed, don’t worry, I have a waiting list set up, and you can also always check my website to see when the next round starts. I am only just beginning! I plan to coach a new group every 6 weeks. So jump in when you are ready!

I shared these pictures on Instagram & Facebook, but I am excited to share them with you here! These are some of my personal results from participating in the FASTer Way To Fat Loss program.

I lost a total of 8 pounds and 10 inches. In just 6 weeks! I fell in love with taking care of myself again. I felt empowered in my food choices. I learned that I could have my cake and EAT it too. This program is like nothing else I have ever experienced before. We take the guess work out of everything. We provide you ALL the things. Meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, exercises, plus every kind of modification you could think of. The FASTer Way truly meets you where you are, and encourages you to make progress, and not kill yourself for perfection.
As I have researched and learned through this program, my eyes have been opened to just how much exercise and nutrition go hand in hand. I have seen this confirmed in my own results. I was working out SO much, even doing 2 exercise programs a day, and thinking to myself, shouldn’t I see more of a change? Shouldn’t I be feeling better? Have you ever felt this way? You are NOT alone. Thousands of people have found this program because they felt the same way.
There IS a better way. I am so passionate about this topic, and feel a fresh sense of purpose and meaning in my life. I wasn’t looking for something new, but this something just kind of found me.
Through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you’ll learn how to fuel your body effectively to maintain optimal energy levels throughout the day.
You will teach your body to burn fat naturally.
You will be given the tools you need to restructure and repair your metabolic system and increase your metabolism.
You will improve your hormone levels so you feel satiated.
You will learn how to work out in a smart, effective, and efficient way.
You will leave the FASTer Way to Fat Loss feeling leaner, stronger, healthier, and more energetic than you’ve ever felt before.
You will leave the FASTer Way to Fat Loss with the tools you need to feel that way for life! (source)

I am THRILLED for the chance to be able to share this amazing program with YOU, and empower you to live a confident, healthy life. Our community is SO supportive and welcoming, and I would be thrilled to have you join me on this journey. Visit the website for more info here. And feel free to reach out on social media if you have any questions!