My First Day As A L’ange Ambassador
I have been so darn excited to get to write this post. Today I received official confirmation of being approved as a L’ange Hair Ambassador!

I am thrilled to get to partner with this amazing company and dive into the world of sharing hair care tips and tutorials with you. I feel like makeup and hair pretty much go hand in hand, so this is why I was SO excited to have this opportunity. Plus, I am already obsessed with the L’ange products, so that alone makes sharing this company with you a no brainer. For over a year now I have been using the wand & various hair care items from them, and I am truly impressed with the products. I cannot, do not, and will NEVER share ANYTHING with y’all that I do not stand 110% behind. It’s just not in my personality. I can’t be fake with y’all.

So maybe I am getting ahead of myself. Maybe you read this whole first paragraph and thought, what the heck is L’ange?! Let me share with you. L’ange is an online store that offers hairstyling tools and hair care products. Some examples of what they sell include:
Curling wands
Targeted HairCare
Hair Extensions
Basically, if it is something for your hair, you can bet they have it!
Now the next question you are probably asking. What does this mean for YOU?!
In a nut shell:
Huge discounts for you.
Giveaway opportunities.
More haircare knowledge.
I get to share with you special SALES, DISCOUNTS, and promo codes that you won’t find on the regular L’ange website. I will be posting more tutorials on hairstyles, product reviews on the hair care products, and provide you with all of the knowledge that I can on getting your best hair look.
In order to be approved for this program, I had a 6 course training module that I went through to learn ALL that I can on hair care, products, and how to best recommend products for your hair type.

I am super pumped and feel armed with an arsenal of amazing insights. Watch out.
The last little detail to this amazing opportunity is the potential that it has to support my little family. To be completely transparent with you, whenever someone purchases through my specific link, I earn a small percentage in commission. These types of programs have become increasingly popular within the last few years, and honestly the more that I learn about them, the more I am grateful to be in this industry.
Let me be clear on this. I am NOT sharing something with you just to “make a buck.” I know that this type of marketing has a somewhat negative repuation and I am honestly floored why we are bashing down our fellow women and entrepreneurs, rather than supporting them.
I am going to share these products with you because I LOVE them. I am going to show you how to curl your hair and gain confidence with yourself because I am passionate about encouraging women. I am going to share the dang sales & promotions with you because I am OBSESSED with saving money!
The fact that I get paid to do something that I already love to do, well that is just a blessing straight from God. He has allowed me to work from home and live my passions out on this blog, and I am allowing Him to lead it where it needs to go. I am excited and grateful to be a long for the ride.

Stay tuned for some super fun hair posts coming soon, be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay updated with all of the new posts, and follow on social as well. While you’re at it check out the L’ange site here and explore what exciting products they have to offer!
Thanks again for your continued love & support. Much love.
Hi how do I apply to start doing lange videos?
Hi! I reached out to them via email requesting an application! Good luck!
Hi there! Thank you for sharing. I would love to become a L’ange Ambassador! I have a few of their tools and I just love the brand. How would I go about applying?
Hey! I would suggest sending them an email! Thanks for reading!